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Building Waterproof Material-Technology Application

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Building Waterproof Material-Technology Application

Date of release:2018-11-26 Author: Click:

With the development of China's economy and the improvement of people's material living standards, the speed of urban and rural buildings is also surging. As a part of construction engineering, building waterproofing materials play a vital role in construction engineering. How to apply polypropylene fibers in building water leakage project is a problem that every building unit must consider. But there are some problems for some traditional materials, such as asphalt, asphalt felt coil, which are not conducive to environmental protection on the one hand, on the other hand, their durability is relatively low, and the construction is difficult. At present, new building waterproofing materials in China can be divided into six categories: polymer modified asphalt waterproofing membrane, building waterproofing coating, synthetic polymer waterproofing membrane, building sealing material, rigid waterproofing material and special waterproofing material. It is widely used in waterproofing and impermeability engineering of houses, walls, kitchens, bathrooms, pools, sidewalks, floors, bridges, dikes, agricultural channels, underground pipes, etc. Building waterproofing of building waterproofing materials is an important aspect related to the safety of people's lives and property. How to do a good job in the application of waterproofing materials technology is the reality we must face in our project.

First, the causes and treatment measures of water leakage in building waterproof materials

1. Floor leakage of toilet and bathroom building and treatment measures. There are two kinds of leakage phenomena in the floor of toilet bathroom, one is the leakage of pipe orifice, that is, the leakage of pipe orifice through floor and wall, the other is the leakage of the joint of floor and wall. The reason for these problems is that the concrete of structural layer is not compact enough, and the slope of flooding is not high enough, which makes the indoor surface water accumulate, and leads to water seepage along the concrete honeycomb, cracks or holes at the bottom of the wall.

The treatment methods adopted are as follows: first, water seepage at the roots of ground pipes in buildings. The treatment method is to cut out grooves with width and depth not less than l0mm along the roots of pipes. Sealing materials are embedded in the grooves, and colourless or light-coloured synthetic polymer waterproof coatings are applied at the junction of pipes and ground to achieve waterproof effect. Secondly, when the water leakage between pipeline and floor is less than 1 mm, the cracks should be brushed twice around the pipeline and the ground at the root of the pipeline. There are certain principles in the height and horizontal width of the pipeline, which should be no less than 100 mm, and the thickness of the coating should not be less than 1 mm.

Polypropylene reticulate fibers

2. Roof leakage phenomena and treatment measures. At present, there are many kinds of roof leakage phenomena in our country. According to a survey, the leakage rate of waterproofing with film is the highest, accounting for 44.3% of the total waterproofing projects. Secondly, rigid waterproofing and membrane waterproofing, with leakage rates of 38.7% and 31.4% respectively. In the investigation of roof leakage reasons, it is found that the material reasons account for 20% to 22%, and the design reasons account for 18% to 26%. Construction accounts for 45% to 48% and management and maintenance accounts for 6% to 15%.

The treatment methods adopted are as follows: first, flexible waterproof treatment, which is a waterproof layer composed of waterproof rolls and cementing materials laminated and pasted. The coils used in this respect include felt coils, polymer synthetic coils, synthetic rubber coils and so on. Second, the waterproofing treatment of coatings is to use high-molecular waterproofing coatings with strong plasticity and cohesion, and directly brush on the roof base so as to form an impermeable film layer to achieve the purpose of waterproofing and leakage prevention. Such as plastic, rubber and modified asphalt waterproof materials.

3. Phenomenon and treatment measures of basement leakage. According to the survey and summary, about 70% of the leakage occurs in the basement floor, or above the deepest pit on the floor, or at the corner of the floor or pit, that is to say, at the shade corner indoors, or at the middle and lower part of the basement outdoor wall, or at the basement roof. The causes of these problems are various, which are caused by different geology, different functions and different design and construction of basement.

The treatment methods adopted are as follows: Firstly, filling and plugging method is adopted, and quick-setting mortar is generally used to construct well on wet working face. For the parts where the leakage path is not clear, construction should be carried out according to experience and judgment, otherwise it is invalid. The two is to adopt chemical grouting. In this way, the hydrophobic polyurethane grouting material is mainly used. Because the treatment of cracks is very important, and the polyurethane prepolymer containing isocyanate in the hydrophobic polyurethane grouting material will react with water and produce chemical reaction to produce two oxy carbon and water insoluble polymer gel. After the chemical reaction, the volume expansion of carbon dioxide will occur, which will make the slurry penetrate into the finer cracks and achieve the effect of plugging leakage. Thirdly, waterproof mortar surface coating method is used. This method is suitable for surface seepage control and supplementary waterproofing after leak plugging construction. The materials used are inorganic waterproofing mortar and polymer waterproofing mortar.

Second, Selection of Building Waterproof Materials

New waterproof materials are constantly developed! When entering the market, the choice of building waterproofing materials is not the better, the better its function. In the selection of waterproofing materials, we should select the appropriate waterproofing materials according to the design and practice. When choosing materials, materials should be selected according to the principles in this respect. Waterproof material has good performance, reliable quality, good stability, convenient storage and transportation, flexible construction, long service life and moderate material price. In short, in the selection of each material, according to the location, condition, environment, grade and functional needs of the building, appropriate materials are selected, because each material has its own characteristics, because different buildings can make the characteristics of all kinds of materials play a good role, in order to obtain the best waterproof effect.

1. Selection of waterproof materials for toilets and bathrooms. Toilet bathroom area is generally relatively small, and there are more Yin and Yang angles. Waterproof materials used in waterproofing projects should be based on such principles. First, it is suitable for the change of base shape and conducive to the laying of pipeline equipment. Second, it is impermeable and seamless overall coating. The purpose of this method is to deal with many factors such as small bathroom area, more Yin and Yang angles, more pipe holes, sanitary equipment and so on, as well as the complicated connection structure of floor, floor and wall.

2. Selection of roof waterproof materials. Roofing is affected by a variety of comprehensive factors, such as mechanics, physics, chemistry and so on. It is mainly due to the long-term exposure of roofing, which is directly affected by the atmosphere, freeze-thaw alternation, thermal expansion and contraction, dry and wet changes, as well as the effects of some sunlight, ultraviolet rays and ozone, the scouring and weathering of wind, frost, rain and snow, as well as some institutional structural effects. The effect of temperature difference and the stretching of waterproof membrane or matrix during construction can make the waterproof layer in high stress state, which can lead to the early damage of roof. Therefore, it is necessary to choose materials with good aging resistance and high heat resistance, which have certain extensibility. So in the choice of roof waterproofing materials, we should choose the materials with the characteristics of polyester modified asphalt membrane, ethylene propylene terpolymer sheet or asphalt felt.

3. Selection of underground waterproofing materials. Underground engineering is not well maintained due to long-term wet condition, and the temperature difference changes are relatively small. The waterproof materials needed are high quality impermeability and elongation, and good overall impermeability. It also requires flexible materials with mildew resistance, corrosion resistance and long service life. For example, when using high molecular waterproof base material, it is necessary to choose a good water-resistant binder, the thickness of the base material should not be less than 1.5 mm, such as polyurethane, silicone rubber waterproof paint and other materials, its thickness should not be less than 2.5 mm. Usually, for every additional waterproof layer in the room, cement-based inorganic rigid waterproof material is appropriate.

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